Brewery’s beer image

Cell Block 304

Parkersburg Brewing Co

Style: American Brown Ale
Alcohol (abv): 5.8%
color (srm): 20.5 20.5
Bitterness (IBU): 35
suggested glass: Nonick Imperial Pint glass_gold_nonick-icon.png
Food pairings: Beef, Bratwurst, Chocolate, Goose/Duck, Hamburger, Pork, Quinoa, Salmon, Sausage

Beer description

Cell Block 304 is a uniquely American Brown Ale. This ale overtly breaks the laws of style. American malts are combined with British specialty malts to build the backbone of this brown ale. The beer is then criminally hopped with a blend of English hops. The bitter, earthiness of the hops is balanced against the dark toasty malts and a touch of local honey.



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